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Baptism / Christenings
What you need to know??
Your decision to have your child baptised is important and we will do all we can to ensure that you understand the significance and that the occasion will be a joyful one.
We ask two things of you:
1) that parents and Godparents attend preparation classes;
2) that the family attends two Sunday Services in any of the churches in the Parish before baptism takes place.
Honouring these commitments will help us in our journey together. If you are unable to meet the above requirements without good reason, we may have to postpone the Baptism. If you need further clarification, please contact the Parish Office.
Before the day of the Baptism. Our parish runs a short course which explores the meaning of Baptism and living as a Christian.
Choosing Godparents should not be taken lightly. Too often parents want to honour a special friend, repay a favour, or encourage a non-relative to have a closer relationship with their child. While all these motives are well-intentioned, they are not enough.
Godparents have a special role. They represent the faith community that is the Church. Together with the parents, they help and guide the child on their spiritual journey, and so they should be active and committed Christians, and must themselves have been baptised.
Being a Godparent is a ministry, and not simply an honour.
Why go to Church?
In church we are fed with God’s word and with the other main sacrament of the Church, the Holy Communion. Our children are taught about the love of God in Sunday School. Like us, children are taught to love life and people, to honour their parents, and to trust in God. Children grow up knowing that Jesus is their friend.
Sunday Church attendance is one of the best ways of growing in faith and learning what it means to be a Christian. Before the Baptism, parents and Godparents are asked to attend at least two Sunday services in any of the churches in the parish.

Want to know more?
If you want to know more about baptism, you can find lots of information from the Church of England Website...
If your interested in organising a Baptism then please email the Parish Office.