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Parish Electoral Roll - 2025 Renewal

Be Part of Our Future: 2025 Electoral Roll Renewal
2025 is a church electoral roll renewal year! Every six years, we update our roll, and we invite you to be a part of this important process. If you've been baptized and are 16 or older, we'd love for you to join us.
What does it mean to be on the roll?
Joining the electoral roll is a wonderful way to support our church. While it doesn't require any additional commitments, it strengthens our representation in church governance. It's also a requirement if you're interested in standing for election to the PCC or other synodical councils (Deanery, Diocesan, or General Synod). Most importantly, it gives you a voice at our APCM, where you can vote and help shape the future of our church by choosing its leaders.
Ready to register?
Application forms are available in the church or for download below (PDF and DOCX versions available). Please return your completed form by Monday, March 31, 2025, to Clare Wilson (PCC Secretary and Parish Electoral Roll Officer) by email at pccsecretary@ifieldparish.org, or you can hand it in at church to Clare or Rev. Christine Spencer.