Everyone is welcome to join us, and whatever has brought you here today, we want you to know that you are... 'Loved as you are'
We are here to help
Parish Giving Scheme
Dear Parishioner,
I’m sure you are well aware of the financial pressures on the church, and how lack of funds can hold us back in our work for God.
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is therefore an answer to our prayers. Joining the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) has a number of benefits for us at St. Margaret’s; it helps our financial administration, improves our cash flow, reduces our paperwork and enables us to receive all Gift Aid due from HMRC more quickly.
If are you interested in joining the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), contact me and I will let you have the correct form and arrange for your application to be processed.
Please read through the accompanying links from the Diocese.
Any questions or concerns not covered in the enclosed links, please feel free to email me, Mike Schultz, at pgs@ifieldparish.org and I will do my best to answer your questions.
With best wishes
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